Tuesday, 27 March 2012

New to this...#7

Hello friends! It's been about twelve-(12) days since my last post, so I think I'll update you on my progress with the 'dreaded-lurgy',. I'm feeling better now than I was before I sent my previous post. This one has been a bit of a stayer (with me) this time, I was only thinking about it today - about three-(3) weeks or so! I'm past the worst of it - thank heaven's.

Today was the first time this year that I've felt 'cold' on the inside, enough to need to put on an extra layer of clothing - jumper and jeans. Just at the end of the 1st-month of Autumn.  I'm not proud of it, either! The rest of my clan is still getting around in T-shirts & shorts, though my wife 'Woodpuddle' is sitting on the lounge with her favourite-blanket...lol.

All that tells me is - that I must be an 'olde-fart' after all! So, at least we've got  the goodsense to 'stay-warm'...just may be acceptance too, I should speak for myself... Last week, I went for my latest check-up! ...It was my 2nd-appointment to the Urologist-Clinic at RBWH and I was nice and early, thanks to my wife's punctuality being what it is - brilliant. The line-up was short, it was 08:30 in the morning, so I knew there wouldn't be a problem.

I was seen by the Urologist, Dr.H. He was concerned about a few of the results from my tests, so I was then too! It was nothing too serious, he explained the 'ins & outs' which put me at ease. All I have to do was told to me in plain English - and 'self-cathetorisation' just became a new part of my TM-journey...At this point in time, I only have to 'do-it' if absolutely necessary...but it's 'piece-of-mind' having the know-how, and equipment there on-hand if or when the time comes.

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