Saturday, 12 May 2012

I don't know U...but U inspire me 2.

Social networking is wonderful for reaching out when you don't get out much / you know? ...Specifically Twitter - for instance I'm communicating with total strangers, but I feel like their my friends because they get me! ...sometimes, I feel it more so than the bloke next-door. It's a cliché, I know but it means a lot when you get a message or an email from someone that gets IT!!!
I just noticed that I've only done 2 blog-entries in April...sorry everyone, I will be more tuned in this month I just have been having some really bitchin-hand cramps in the last few weeks and that makes my smile turn upside-down :(
I've posted a couple of new entries in other areas of my blog / pages etc., and I've been thinking about doing some audio-entries of  my blog-posts too. Just need to figure out the technicalities - so.. Oh, and I've just updated my you-tube channel with a couple of videos, so I would love you to check it out.
Thank you everybody, I've just hit 450-views on my blog...awesome! I'm inspired....

Sunday, 6 May 2012

I don't know U, but U inspire me...

I don't know you, but you inspire me...I follow this blog-[see link below]. This is a story about a woman that has a fighting-spirit, a love for life. She has TM too! This is her story, as told by her daughter, [Jaclyn] in a blog called; I wear blue [click on the link below to see her story] The Best Mom on Wheels

Jaclyn Allmon at I Wear Blue - 1 day ago
Christopher Reeve Foundation has announced the 10 finalists for the 2012 Best Mom on Wheels competition. All women are so very deserving of this award. Please take a moment to view the finalists and VOTE for the story that inspires you the most. For me, my vote goes to my mom, Jan Allmon, a finalist in the competition!! Way to go mom. You are the BEST!!! (Watch a video about my mom)...just click on the link above.