Tuesday, 29 May 2012

But you don't know what you don't know?

There are some moments in my days that require me to 'pull my socks up' and be brave when inside, I feel less inclined. One such moment was tonight when I was going through my facebook messages and I found one from an old friend of my family... A beautiful couple, with a great family too; 3 children-[2x girls and older brother].
I was reading their message - and I learned of their tragic loss of their oldest child. I have no words to explain what feelings were racing through my mind at that moment. I could only freeze, numb at the realisation of such a trauma - I instantly thought of my own family - and what if? I dread the thought, but I felt pain as if it was...for a moment.
I wrote back saying nothing of my realisation of their loss - I choked, I couldn't bring myself to mention it. I was feeling guilt, shame, sadness - but I feel hollow somehow. I knew him-[when] he was younger, but he was a wonderful son, and brother. I will treasure his memory. I will come to my senses and keep in touch with them.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to know what to say when writing of those things my friend.
